Fibroot Tray - Sowing Tray for Seeds

Features of Fibroot Tray

  • It enables to root to grow down more.

  • Salient inner surface prevent root from winding round and makes it easier to take out young plants from tray.

  • The small hills among each holes makes it easier to control the drainage.

  • Plants root faster on soil when transplanted.

  • Fibroot tray enable plants to absorb more nutrients.

Strawberry Tray 32 holes
Fibroot Tray 200 holes
Fibroot Tray 288 holes
"Root Growth Regulating Chemicals" treated on inside surface of Fibroot Tray, help sprouting of fibrous capillary roots.
"Root Growth Regulating Chemicals" treated on inside surface of Fibroot Tray reduce transplant shock to roots and give resistance to low temperature and dried soil which has no humidity.
